British Columbia Environmental Law Directory
This page features a directory of British Columbia environmental legislation and key cases pertaining to BC’s environment. Links to official sources have been provided to the extent reasonably possible, in addition to commentary and explanation resources by outside sources.
No guarantee is made as to the currency of those laws or cases made accessible by this page, nor should any commentary or explanation posts or links be construed as legal advice. Please also keep in mind that applicable laws are subject to change. Dates attributed to legislation indicate the original date of the law’s passage or the legislation’s official dated year, not when the law was most recently amended.
If you have questions about British Columbia’s environmental laws, or you’re looking for legal advice or guidance regarding them, please contact us to see if we can assist you (also see our policy regarding services for clients located outside Ontario). And if you’re looking to keep up with ongoing climate and environmental law, news, and policy, consider signing up for the firm’s monthly newsletter.
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Zero-Emission Vehicles Act (2019)
Clean Energy Act (2010)
Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements) Act (2008)
Carbon Tax Act (2008)
Local Government (Green Communities) Statutes Amendment Act (2008)
Energy Efficiency Act (1996)
Pollution and Waste
Oil and Gas Activities Act (2008)
Environmental Management Act (2003)
Ministry of Environment Act (1996)
Land Use
Environmental Assessment Act (2018)
Wildfire Act (2004)
Drainage, Ditch and Dike Act (1996)
Dike Maintenance Act (1996)
Water Sustainability Act (2014)
Water Protection Act (1996)
Water Utility Act (1996)
Water Users’ Communities Act (1996)
Conservation and Species Protection
Fish and Seafood Act (2015)
Riparian Areas Protection Act (formerly Fish Protection Act) (1997)
Park Act (1997)
Wildlife Act (1996)
Case Law
Pollution and waste
Reference re Environmental Management Act (British Columbia) (British Columbia Court of Appeal, 2019)
Reference re Environmental Management Act (BC) - BC Court of Appeal Case Brief (Canadian Bar Association, February 7, 2020)
Kirk v. Executive Flight Centre Fuel Services Ltd. (British Columbia Court of Appeal, 2019)
BC Court of Appeal sets aside certification of common issues in environmental class action (Osler, April 24, 2019)
J.I. Properties Inc. v. PPG Architectural Coatings Canada Ltd. (British Columbia Court of Appeal, 2015)
Canada: "Polluter Pays" Wins The Day: BC Court Of Appeal Decides Significant Contaminated Sites Case (Norton Rose Fulbright via Mondaq, 26 November, 2015)
R. v. Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd (Supreme Court of Canada, 1988)
R v Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd (
Land Use and indigenous rights
Taku River Tlingit First Nation v. British Columbia (Project Assessment Director) (Supreme Court of Canada, 2004)
Taku River Tlingit First Nation v British Columbia (Project Assessment Director) (Fandom Case Brief Wiki)
Haida Nation v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests) (Supreme Court of Canada, 2004)
Heiltsuk Tribal Council v. British Columbia (Minister of Sustainable Resource Management) (Supreme Court of British Columbia, 2003)