Ontario Environmental Law Directory
This page features a directory of Ontario environmental legislation and key cases pertaining to Ontario’s environment. Links to official sources have been provided to the extent reasonably possible, in addition to commentary and explanation resources by Green Economy Law Professional Corporation and other sources.
No guarantee is made as to the currency of those laws or cases made accessible by this page, nor should any commentary or explanation posts or links be construed as legal advice. Please also keep in mind that applicable laws are subject to change. Dates attributed to legislation indicate the original date of the law’s passage or the legislation’s official dated year, not when the law was most recently amended.
If you have questions about Ontario’s environmental laws, or you’re looking for legal advice or guidance regarding them, please contact us to see if we can assist you. And if you’re looking to keep up with ongoing climate and environmental law, news, and policy, consider signing up for the firm’s monthly newsletter.
Climate Change and sustainable development
Federal Carbon Tax Transparency Act (2019) (Deemed Unconstitutional in 2020)
Ontario’s Anti-Carbon Pricing Sticker Law Declared Unconstitutional (GELPC Blog, September 10, 2020)
Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act (2016) (Repealed in 2018)
Pollution and Waste
Waste-Free Ontario Act (2016)
Environmental Bill of Rights (1993)
Environmental Protection Act (1990)
Federal Government Accepts Ontario Emission Performance Standard as Satisfying Pollution Pricing Law (GELPC Blog, October 2, 2020)
Chemicals and Hazardous Materials
Pesticides Act (1990)
Clean Water Act (2006)
Safe Drinking Water Act (2002)
Ontario Water Resources Act (1990)
Land Use and Farming
Nutrient Management Act (2002)
Planning Act (1990)
Environmental Assessment Act (1990)
Eco Groups Sue Ontario Government Over Covid Recovery Bill Weakening Environmental Protections (GELPC Blog, September 2, 2020)
Conservation Authorities Act (1990)
Ontario Strips Conservation Authorities’ Power with Controversial Bill 229 (GELPC Blog, December 11, 2020)
Case law
Climate Change
Mathur et. al. v. Ontario (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, 2020)
Ontario Youth Climate Action Case Survives Motion to Dismiss, Headed for Trial (GELPC Blog, November 16, 2020)
CCLA v. Attorney General of Ontario (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, 2020)
Ontario’s Anti-Carbon Pricing Sticker Law Declared Unconstitutional (GELPC Blog, September 10, 2020)
Greenpeace Canada v. Minister for the Environment (Ontario) (Ontario Superior Court of Justice, 2019)
Greenpeace Canada v. Minister of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks; Lieutenant Governor in Council (Sabin Center for Climate Change Law)
Reference Re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (Ontario Court of Appeal, 2019)
Understanding Canadian Carbon Pricing (GELPC Webinar Course, 2021)
Midwest Properties Ltd. v. Thordarson (Ontario Court of Appeal, 2015)
Ontario v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (Supreme Court of Canada, 1995)
R. v. Sault Ste. Marie (Supreme Court of Canada, 1978)
R v Sault Ste. Marie (Fandom Case Brief Wiki)