Residential Landlord and Tenant Law

We offer various landlord-tenant law services, including legal counsel and assistance with residential tenancy disputes, eviction, Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) hearings, and appeals to the Ontario Divisional Court.

We work with both tenants and landlords. And regardless of which side we’re on, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome in your housing matter.

Curious about pricing? Take a look at our popular flat fee Housing Assistance Packages below, which ensure Landlord and Tenant Board-related legal services are predictable and affordable for regular people.

Legal Services

  • Residential landlord-tenant disputes

  • Condominium and co-op disputes

  • Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) hearing representation

  • Requests for review of an LTB order

  • Filing an appeal of an LTB order to the Divisional Court

  • Garnishment and collection

  • Small Claims Court matters

  • Credit report correction and remediation

  • Short-term rental complaints

And if you’re looking for housing law services that don’t fit into the categories above, contact us to see if we might still be able to assist.

Flat Fee Options

All flat fee options are subject to applicable tax and additional terms. We do not accept legal aid at this time.

Responsive Video Embed

GELPC lawyer Marc Goldgrub speaks to CBC about co-op housing issues.

Downtown Toronto buildings and apartments, owned by landlords and rented to tenants.